On the Green: More Golf Courses Choosing To Embrace Sustainability

By Scott McCormick

In some circles, golf has developed a reputation for being less than environmentally friendly.

For those not associated with the sport, golf courses can be seen as nothing more than enormous parcels of meticulously manicured grass carved out of the native landscape, an unnecessary presence in the natural world that displaces indigenous trees, plants and wildlife.

Add in the need to use vast amounts of water, poisonous fertilizers and toxic pesticides which often end up in the watershed, and gas-powered, carbon-emitting… Read More

Green Mortgages: Another Option for Sustainability


Green Mortgages: Another Option for Sustainability

Image by: FutUndBeidl

As the global green building and retrofitting movement continues to gain traction, many homeowners are choosing to “go green” by upgrading to more energy efficient appliances and initiating energy saving home improvements.

One option for funding these upgrades includes a mortgage program that many, even those who actively engage in environmentally-conscious lifestyles, don’t even know exists: the green mortgage.

The Definition of a Green Mortgage

A green, or energy efficient mortgage… Read More

Green Building Design Guide for Construction: Water Use and Building Exterior

These design guides will show you how to conserve water used inside and outside a building and best design practices of building exteriors for green buildings or buildings that desire to achieve LEED certification.

Water use

To save water in buildings, the best thing you can do is to get plumbing fixtures that consume less water. Use waterless urinals, toilets with a… Read More