Green Mortgages: Another Option for Sustainability


Green Mortgages: Another Option for Sustainability

Image by: FutUndBeidl

As the global green building and retrofitting movement continues to gain traction, many homeowners are choosing to “go green” by upgrading to more energy efficient appliances and initiating energy saving home improvements.

One option for funding these upgrades includes a mortgage program that many, even those who actively engage in environmentally-conscious lifestyles, don’t even know exists: the green mortgage.

The Definition of a Green Mortgage

A green, or energy efficient mortgage… Read More

How a Solar Water Heater Saves on Energy Costs

save energy costs

Image by: gmourits

During last Fall, we had a power outage for 72 hours and had no access to warm water. It was really difficult for all of us to work with freezing cold water. The area I am talking about is located in Minnesota where the average temperature during winter falls between 14 degree Fahrenheit and 15 degree Fahrenheit. So from that time, I had arranged to search for a better water heating system.

I scoured through many websites… Read More

Tax Rebates for Energy Star Appliances

Energy Star is a program developed by the US Department of Energy in 1992 to demonstrate the potential profit the United States could achieve in reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The program creates labels to identify products that have better energy efficiency ratings. Products that display the Energy Star symbol have been tested and found to meet or exceed high quality and energy efficient requirements. Energy star appliances will save you money by using less electricity and less water than other appliances. The Energy Star program has grown… Read More