What is a Carbon Credit Certificate? Prices, Trade Exchange, Brokers & the Offset Market

A carbon credit certificate is a certificate that gives a company the right to release one ton of carbon dioxide emissions per one ton of carbon dioxide emissions reduced. Carbon credit certificates are bought and there are two main types of certificate standards. They can be Kyoto Protocol standards or voluntary standards.

The Kyoto Protocol standards developed the idea of trading carbon emissions. The concept was that countries with high emission levels… Read More

What Are Greenhouse Gases?

Image credit: NASA

Greenhouse gases are gases that hold heat in the atmosphere. These gases affect the planet by trapping heat from the sun in the atmosphere that would otherwise be released into space, making the planet warmer in the process. They include water vapor, chlorofluorocarbons, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.

The 3 main greenhouse gases

The 3 main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O)

Carbon dioxide (CO2), is produced from… Read More

How to Prevent Global Warming

How to Prevent Global WarmingGlobal Warming Causes

Global warming is caused by the release of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. When carbon gases are released in the air, they act like a blanket shield that traps heat in our atmosphere and warms up the planet. Scientists quantify it as the rise in average temperature of the Earth’s surface and oceans. Most of it has been caused by the increase in concentrations in greenhouse gases produced by humans burning fossil fuels… Read More

Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Resources

Image by gondwananet

Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy encompasses solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy. It is energy that is available in nature for free than can be used to power homes, buildings and mechanical equipment. Following is a list of the most common renewable energy sources

Solar Energy: Solar energy is harvested and converted into electricity through the use of a photovoltaic (PV) system. A… Read More