Green Product Solutions for Eco-Friendly Homes

As the green culture develops and becomes more sought after, more retailers and manufacturers are adding eco-friendly products to their merchandise. These retailers also go the extra mile by taking extra steps to make their operations environmentally friendly. Why should you buy green products? Because buying green products lets companies know that you care about the environmental impact of...
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8 Design Strategies for Building a Net-Zero Energy House

A net-zero energy house is a house that has no net energy consumption and no net carbon emissions. It does not mean that the house does not consume electricity. It means that the electricity it generates is greater than the electricity it consumes. It produces all its required power on site from renewable energy sources and is completely independent from a utility electricity grid. Net zero...
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Tax Rebates for Energy Star Appliances

Energy Star is a program developed by the US Department of Energy in 1992 to demonstrate the potential profit the United States could achieve in reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The program creates labels to identify products that have better energy efficiency ratings. Products that display the Energy Star symbol have been tested and found to meet or exceed high...
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How to Save Money on Electricity Bills at Home

Energy Saving Products The best way to save energy at home is by buying the proper energy saving products and using them intelligently. There are some strategies that require a large investment to save money on electricity bills. This page will focus on strategies that are easy to implement and still save on electricity. These can be split up into the following categories: Light bulbs: ...
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