World and US Green Building Council (USGBC)

A Green Building Council is a non-profit, member-based organization that promotes sustainable buildings and green design practices. Their aim is to promote the change of the construction industry into one that is sustainable by working with the government and private industry in promoting the use of environmentally friendly design strategies. As of February, 2012, there are 24 countries with established green building council organizations throughout the world, with the world green building council as the overseer them. The 24 councils are:

  1. Argentina Green Building

ASHRAE Ventilation Standard 62.1

The ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning) Standard 62.1 is a design guide that is used to improve indoor air quality conditions inside buildings by specifying minimum ventilation and exhaust rates in order to provide acceptable air quality that minimizes harmful health effects for building occupants.

Ventilation Rates

Standard 62.1´s minimum ventilation rates vary per occupancy category and is defined by the outdoor air flow rate in cubic feet per minute (CFM) that is required in a particular space. The amount of CFM of outdoor air in a space is defined by the amount of… Read More