Green Product Solutions for Eco-Friendly Homes

As the green culture develops and becomes more sought after, more retailers and manufacturers are adding eco-friendly products to their merchandise. These retailers also go the extra mile by taking extra steps to make their operations environmentally friendly. Why should you buy green products? Because buying green products lets companies know that you care about the environmental impact of...
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4 Tips To Guide You On Buying A New Air Conditioning System

In the purchasing of any electrical system, there are things that have to be considered keenly. This helps a lot in the case of getting a new heating and air conditioning system, as you want it to serve your needs for quite a number of years. These systems are not cheap; however, getting your money’s worth is proven as the efficiency of the system remains constant with minimal repair...
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High Efficiency Water Heaters: A Look at Gas and Solar Heaters

A water heater is a device that uses an energy source to raise the temperature of water. The energy source can be either gas, electric, or solar. The hot water is stored in a tank, then distributed throughout a home and used in sinks, showers, baths and lavatories. Heating domestic water accounts for 15-20 percent of a home’s energy use, and high efficiency water heaters use 10 to 40 percent...
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Natural Gas Furnace: Prices, Repairs, and Efficiency

Natural Gas Furnace Natural gas furnaces keep your home warm during the winter. Natural gas is a clean-burning energy source used in furnaces, and has become very efficient at home heating. The efficiency of natural gas furnaces have gone up to 98%, which is a very significant increase over the minimum code standard in the United States of 78% . These types of furnaces have obvious energy...
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Energy Efficiency and Air Conditioners: Central Units, Window Units, and Tax Credits

Air Conditioners Air conditioners work by taking heat from your house and rejecting it to the atmosphere by way of a refrigerant. The warm air from your house is absorbed by the refrigerant, changing it from a liquid state to a gaseous state. The refrigerant then passes through the compressor that puts the gas under high pressure, adding a high amount of heat to the refrigerant. The...
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