The Cost of Installation of Solar Panels

If you are shopping around for solar panels, you should look at the overall cost of installation it could bring. Understanding the solar panel system’s durability and ability to extract renewable energy are just some of the factors that can affect its price. The very first thing that hinders many households from switching to solar power is the price. Before going solar, homeowners often ask how...
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4 Benefits of Vertical Gardens in The Workplace

Gardens have their way of making indoor spaces livelier and more exciting. Indeed, more and more offices and homes are now incorporating plants in their interior motifs. One interesting design is the vertical indoor garden, also known as an eco-wall. It is available in different sizes, heights, styles and could be customized depending on your preferences. Nothing could be more conducive and...
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Creating an Indoor Air Quality Plan in 10 Easy Steps

Indoor air quality plays a major role in maintaining a healthy living environment, and it’s far too important to be left to chance. If you are considering your options for putting together the perfect air quality action plan, here are some of the most impactful tips to help you get started. Begin by changing the air filters in your air conditioners and air purifiers on a regular basis. This will...
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Car Recycling and Incorporating Recycled Materials in Cars

It’s no secret that the automotive industry is not the most environmentally-friendly industry. The car making process has a lot of negative impacts on the environment. For one thing, a lot of electricity is consumed during the manufacturing process, and the process of producing electricity creates pollution, as well. Then, there are the obvious negative effects that driving a car has, with...
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Benefits of Driving a Green or Eco-Friendly Car

What is an Eco-Friendly Car? An eco-friendly car is one that runs either totally or partially on alternative fuels. This can include electricity, natural gas or another fuel source. These cars are usually of two types: either a true alternative-fuel vehicle that has no need for gasoline or a hybrid that uses a combination of gasoline and alternative fuels. Fewer Emissions One of the biggest...
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A Visual Guide to Practical Home Energy Savings

In order to avoid being taken to the cleaners by the power company every summer, you should look into ways to conserve energy by keeping your house cool naturally. This can be as simple as planting trees on the west side of your property or something advanced like applying reflective coating to the roof of your house. These exterior projects are already popular ideas because they add value to...
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The Green Living Carnival – 3rd Edition

Welcome to the third edition of the Green Living Carnival! It is a weekly blog carnival featuring posts from some of the best writers on sustainability, energy efficiency, and green living in general. John Schmoll presents Money Saving Gardening Tips From a Frugal Mama posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “From saving money on produce and groceries to being able to eat healthier there are many...
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4 Reasons You Should Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Many of the better known cleaning supplies on the market contain ingredients that are not exactly friendly for you or the environment. Fortunately, more people are turning to green cleaning supplies. Eco-friendly cleaning products can greatly benefit both the earth and the people who live on it in a variety of ways that will be explored below. Lower Toxicity Content Buying green cleaning...
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The Burgeoning Field of Smart Home Window Technology

Windows are being developed now that are more energy efficient than the windows of years gone by. There are“super-windows” on the market that contain triple layer designs with mixtures containing krypton or argon gases to fill in the spaces. These windows also contain insulating low-E coatings. On the other hand, “smart windows” are windows that are able to adapt to changes in the environment....
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Some Interesting Facts About Hybrid Cars

Hybrid car technology is still a relatively new thing, and there is a lot of confusion surrounding hybrid cars. If you’re considering trying a hybrid, read on to learn about some of the myths and misconceptions, as well as what it’s really like to own a hybrid car. Hybrid Cars and The Environment Hybrid cars use less fuel than fuel cars. The Toyota Prius gets 60 mpg on city roads, and 51mpg on...
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